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Thursday, February 6, 2025

How To Become a Counter Strike Pro

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As a die-hard Counter-Strike fan, I’ve played every version from 1.5 to CS:2. Many of our readers are also avid CS players, so this post is dedicated to our BabaHumor fans who love the game. While the tips below focus on Counterstrike, they will also improve your gameplay in any other First person shooter. This guide includes basic and pro tips, videos, strategy guides, custom settings, and the best config files ever.

1. Basic Shooting

Many professional CS players believe that spraying with the AK-47, M4A1, SMGs, and other guns is generally ineffective. Spraying should only be used in very close-range battles where there’s no time to aim.

Effective shooting patterns:

  • Single shots: For enemies at a distance.
  • 2-3 shot bursts: For enemies at medium range.
  • 8-10 shot bursts: For very close-range encounters.

2. Best and Worst Guns

Primary Weapons

  • AK-47: This is one of the most powerful guns in Counter-Strike. It should be used like a sniper rifle with 30 bullets. A well-aimed shot to the torso can kill an enemy in 1-2 hits. Avoid full-automatic firing; instead, use controlled bursts and adjust for recoil by pulling the cursor down slightly.
  • M4A1: This is the best rifle available for CTs, effective at long range. It’s ideal for beginners due to its forgiving spray pattern. Use the silencer only when stealth is crucial or in close quarters.

Secondary Weapons

  • Desert Eagle (Nighthawk): The most powerful pistol in the game, using the same ammo as the Magnum Sniper Rifle. It’s highly effective in the hands of a skilled player but limited by its small clip.
  • K&M .45 Tactical (USP): This pistol is accurate and reliable, making it a solid choice. In CS:GO, the Tec-9 is also a great option.

Weapons to Avoid:

  • M249 (Negev in CS: GO): Expensive, heavy, inaccurate at long range, and slows you down.
  • Dual Elites Pistols: The worst pistol in the game, effective only with headshots in close combat.

3. Avoiding Bad Habits

  • Frequent Reloading: Reload only when you have 3-4 bullets left. Frequent reloading increases your chances of getting killed.
  • Crouching: Avoid crouching as it reduces your speed and makes you an easy target. Crouch only when planting the bomb or using a sniper rifle.
  • Other Bad Habits: Avoid unnecessary rushing, overusing radio commands, excessive jumping, and unnecessary boosting.

4. Learning Advanced Tricks

  • Spamming: Shoot through walls by listening carefully to enemy movements. This tactic can confuse and disrupt opponents.
  • Running and Shooting: Move side-to-side by pressing A and D alternately. This makes you a harder target.
  • Bunny Hopping (BHop): Jump just before hitting the ground and strafe using the mouse and spacebar. BHoppers move faster than normal players.
  • No-Scope with Snipers: Practice using sniper rifles without the scope in close-range situations.

5. Use the Best Hardware

A good setup is essential for optimal performance. Ensure you have a reliable computer and a stable internet connection. Adjust mouse settings to your preference, disable mouse filter, auto-aim, and joystick look, and set mouse sensitivity to 3 for general play and 1.5-2.0 for sniping.

6. Improving Your Aim

Practice makes perfect. Play on Deathmatch servers to constantly engage in shooting and improve your aim. Offline, use AIM and AWP maps with expert bots.

7. Staying Calm Under Pressure

Stress and tension can impair your performance. Stay cool and focused, especially in critical situations. Avoid team-killing and keep a clear head.

8. Evolving Your Skills

Start with bots to build basic skills. Transition to public servers for more experience, and eventually move to Clan Wars and LAN Gaming Tournaments for a more competitive environment.

9. Developing a Strategy

Even medium-skilled players can beat pros with a good strategy. Watch pro gameplay videos on YouTube and learn from their tactics.

10. Mastering the AWP

The AWP Sniper Rifle is the most powerful gun in Counterstrike, known for its “One Shot, One Kill” capability. Every professional team should have a good sniper.

AWP Tips:

  • Stay still while shooting: Press ‘Ctrl’ or ‘Shift’ while shooting to minimize movement.
  • Quick scope: Press ‘Q’ twice to quickly switch weapons and avoid bullet discharge delay.
  • Use the Desert Eagle: Keep this powerful secondary weapon handy.
  • Rely on sound: Listen for enemy footsteps to locate and eliminate them quickly.


Following these tips will significantly improve your Counter-Strike gameplay and prepare you for other versions of the game. Stay calm, practice regularly, and always adapt to new strategies. Happy gaming!

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